How Not to turn into Bridezilla

You want your wedding to be perfect—but you’re starting to cross over into bridezilla territory. Don’t worry. You can find your way back and these 7 wedding tips can help.
Set a reasonable budget that includes contingency cash. Setting a budget is easy. Sticking to it? Not so much. Many brides find themselves saying, “Well, what’s another $100 in the grand scheme of things?” Those little things add up, and as your wedding draws nearer, the stress can set in and your inner “zilla” could make an appearance or two. Try to stick as close to your budget as you can. Think about the weddings you have attended or been a part of. Was the parting gift something you truly treasured, were those darling pre-dinner appetizers really essential, do you really need a signature cocktail with that expensive champagne? Take a deep breath and realize what the truly memorable and important parts of your day are going to be. But, if you should run into unexpected expenses saving on little expenses along the way will help ease the stress.
Don’t assume your groom isn’t into the planning. Don’t forget about your fiancé. He or she is excited about the wedding, too. Ask for opinions and help. It’s also important to just hand off those things that involve the groom and his groomsmen. If he wants your help or advice in this area, he’ll ask. Otherwise, it’s his deal and he should be given free rein to handle these details. This will make you feel closer to your future spouse, and take some of the burden off you.
Delegate. Ask mom to help address invitations. Ask your sister to bring some fixings for morning mimosas on the big day. Ask a close friend to be your personal attendant. Plan and execute the parts of the wedding that mean the most to you and your groom – for everything else, get help. People love knowing that they contributed to the success of the event and the more people involved in the process, the less stress you’ll have.
Create some backup plans. If you have some Plan Bs in mind, you’ll be able to handle the unexpected. For example, Minnesota weddings are always subject to unpredictable weather happenings. If your ceremony is planned for outside, make sure your venue has an indoor backup if it rains or snows. If you have a bridesmaid that is pregnant and due to deliver close to the wedding date, plan a back-up. If you have a shy flower girl or ring bearer, how can this be handled to make sure the wedding starts smoothly? Again, think about weddings you’ve been a part of and take the best ideas from all of them.
Accept that some things are out of your control. Things just happen, and getting upset can’t undo them. Understand that some things will be out of your control. This is where your backup planning can come in handy. Once the big day is over and a couple of months have gone by, those issues that came up and caused a lot of stress at the time are the things everyone is laughing about later.
Expect something to go wrong on the big day. Your photographer might be late. The officiant may say your name wrong. The wrong appetizer may be served. Something will go wrong on the big day, but it will likely be small. Once the big day is here, it’s time to sit back, relax and enjoy! Perhaps these things happen for a reason and it won’t do anyone any good to get upset or cause a scene. So, don’t let it ruin your day. Nobody will know.
Keep everything in perspective. Your wedding is just one day, but you’ll create a memory that will last your entire lifetime. Try not to forget why you’re there and what it means for your future.