5 Must-Haves for an Outdoor Wedding
Planning an outdoor wedding? Here are 5 must-haves to keep your guests comfortable.
Drink Station
Not only do these Drink Stations look stunning and add a bit of luxury they are a must for an Outdoor Wedding in Australia. While your guests are waiting for the Ceremony to start they can keep hydrated with icy cold lemon or orange infused water or iced tea.

Order of Service or Programs that Double as Fans
Have your Order of Service printed in a single fan shape and attach to sticks or as a cute fold out fan.

Comfort Station
Include Insect Repellent, Sunscreen and Tissues for your guest’s comfort. The Station can include bubbles, programs, fans and your Wishing Well. Don't forget to add Heel Saviours ™ from Our Little Shoe Secret for the ladies, to keep their Heels clean and above ground.

Large Market Umbrellas can look lovely and be practical to keep your guests protected from the sun.

A Primping Station
For an extra luxurious touch, add a Primping Station where your guests can tidy up between the Outdoor Ceremony and the Reception ahead. It doesn’t need much, a mirror, hairspray, hand cream and some wipes.
